We played a game of Octopus whilst people arrived.

We held a circle for Circle News: Jay has returned now that the nights are shorter, lots of people had made cupcakes, Rayan and Jago had been to the zoo, Arran's mum hurt her leg clearing brambles, Leto's teacher has started having a baby, Millie-Maye has a plastic bandage to sleep in for her injured arm. Tim cleared brambles in Warnford Meadow and also, earlier in the week, found a wallet containing money and driving license, buried for five years in the Warnford Orchard, which he is going to send back to the owner, as her dad still lives where she used to live.
Tegan then explained about inclusive games and we chose which ones we wanted to play.

We started with Snakes in the Pit.

Then we decided to play Dead Ants.

We held a circle where Tegan explained how we were going to invent new inclusive games.

We split into three groups: one had blindfolds and played a game where the two wearing the blindfolds had to guess who had made a particular sound; one played Wink Murder where the "blind person" had a neighbour helping them know when they had been winked; one played penguins and eggs without sound.
We ended with singing Happy Birthday and the Closing Circle Song.
Leaders: Tegan, Debbie, Tim
Helpers: Lisbeth, Rana
Elfs: 24
Woodchips: 1