We played a game of Octopus whilst people arrived.
We held Circle News: Millie and Debbie have been sewing, Matilda is learning about friendship at school, Lena has new shoes, Nia has made Easter bags and cards, today is Molly's birthday, Magnus's cat played the start of the Pink Panther on the piano, Flora and Connie made Georges Marvelous Medicine, Izzy, Rayan, Hazel and Isis went to birthday parties, Millie Maye told us about when she fainted in the bath, Iona had two splinters, Jo is going to Egypt, Ivo is looking after Jo's chickens, Arran got a boomerang for his birthday, Dylan had a Tudor Day at school, Tim didn't buy fish at the Goldfish Bowl as the water sample had too much ammonia, Tessa made an iron sword in Minecraft and Izzy is going to the Harry Potter Studios.

We sang happy birthday to the three people with birthdays and decided to play Dead Ants.

We had party food.

Which we ate during the Merrymoot performances.
We had Mystery Tune by Xanthe, Iona and Millie-Maye; we were shown the things Connie's mum has brought back from India; Jago told a story about Hat Man; Tessa played Duet on the piano; Flora showed a drawing of a girl with pointy teeth and scary eyes; Magnus led a competitive Special Quanong; Tim tried to play Twinkle Twinkle on his chalumeau; Nia played Mary had a Little Lamb whilst Molly danced; Arran demonstrated Kapu Karate and finally Millie played a Cello Piece.
We held a final circle where we sang Happy Birthday again, accompanied by Tessa on the piano and then ended with our Circle Song.
There was still a lot of party food left over, so we finished that whilst clearing up; a great end to a great term.
Leaders: Tegan, Debbie, Rana, Tim
Helpers: Ellen
Elfs: 23
Woodchips: 1