We played a game of Octopus whilst people arrived.
We had Circle News: Ivo went to Millet's Farm (and hurt himself), Jago went o Splash Landings in Alton with friends (and a friend of a friend has broken his arm), Jay noticed it started to snow, Magnus and Nia went skating, Kobe played Laser Tag, Jeff mad flat hot cross buns, Matilda, Izzy and Rayan all have eggs in an incubator in class, Lena is going to see her grandma, Rana is looking forwards to Hostel, Jo has hatched a chick and called it Domino, Molly went to a swimming party, Tegan had a birthday party with her family, Connie had friends around and played Minecraft, Iona painted a picture on cloth from Australia and had brought it in to show, Arran went tot the science festival, Katy and Flora have learnt a special handshake at school, Flora now has an African Land Snail, Izzy went to London with Iona and saw their cousin (she may now be the baby-hog of the family), Millie-Maye had a sleepover with cubs, Xanthe made a cardboard god which she brought in to show, Debbie fed a lamb, Milly walked a goat at Farmer Gow's, Lotti and Hazel started to clear their new house, Dylan has a sudoku cube, Tim has made some of the peg looms for hostel.

Tegan explained that we we were going to split into groups to discuss what we might do next term, to invent games and that the point of the exercise was that everyone should be included, and that the adults were just going to write down the results.

Two groups thought that a wildlife or animal theme for next term would be good.
- Easter egg hunt
- Cooking marshmallows, stick bread or animal shaped biscuits
- Picking each other up game
- Penguin world - the huddle game
- Dressing up as you favourite character
- Grandmother's footsteps
- What's the time Mr Wolf?
- Mini Olympics
- Duck Duck Go
- Making Easter Eggs
- Parachute games
- Splat
- Hula Hoop games
- Peg Looming
- Art to do with endangered animals
- Go out day
- Museum Statues
We then played a new game The Huddle where we all pretended to be Emperor Penguins in a rotating huddle. Next time remember to tell everyone to take off their shoes, especially adults!

Finally we played Museum Statues.
We closed with our Closing Circle Song.
Leaders: Tegan, Debbie, Tim
Helpers: Rana, Jeff
Elfs: 22
Woodchips: 2
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