We had a great Hostel, my second, at the Courthill Centre.
On Friday night we held a circle, had hot chocolate and settled in.

On Saturday the weather was poor in the morning, windy and wet, so we decided to do crafts first and walk in the afternoon. I helped people setup peg looms, others made puppets, footballs, squishy toys and teddy clothes.

We had pack lunch inside.

Then walked to Segsbury Camp an Iron Age hill fort. I spent the whole walk whittling sticks into tridents, spears, flutes and whistles.

At the camp we had snacks and played a game of Tails

Google maps tells me it was only 2.8 miles, but the weather turned cold, wet and windy on the way back so we felt pretty hardy.

We had a great supper of sausages and mash, with seconds and thirds!
We held a merrymoot.

A puppet show.

The hedgehog and his flat friend the chicken.

Animated poetry and much more that I was too engrossed in to photograph.

and went to bed.
The adults then had a fantastic sing song, nearly all the songs in the book!
On Sunday breakfast went really smoothly, everyone working together.

It started to snow.

We finished off our weaving, hoping the snow would clear.

We held our final circle in the snow. The singing was many adult's favourite thing, everything, followed by the weaving, for the children.
Rachel had a scare when leaving as she skidded and had to walk back to the Hostel leaving her car. When it was clear that the snow was not going away we headed off in convoy to lower ground, where the snow was clearing off the roads.
Thank you everyone for a great Hostel.
Even more photos.
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